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What are the design decisions that make Fold different?


  • There's no explicit "Pipeline" class. This allows us to hand back the job of fitting a collection of models to train(). This enables parallelization and reduces duplicate code. See section on Composites.

Bridging the gap between Online and Mini-Batch learning.

  • We allow both tabular and sequence models, in the same pipeline.

  • We allow both online and mini-batch models, in the same pipeline. If a Model has mode property set to online, the main loop creates an inner "inference & fit" loop, so the Model can update its parameters on each timestamp.

  • We also give our "online" models a way to access the latest values and skip the step that'd update their parameters. This enables an efficient "quasi-online" behaviour, where the model is only re-trained (or, updated) once per fold, but can "follow" the time series data - which usually comes with signifcant increase in accuracy.

Built with Distributed Computing in mind

  • Deploy your research and development pipelines to a cluster with ray, and use modin to handle out-of-memory datasets (full support for modin is coming in April).

First class support for updating deployed models, easily, as new data flows in.

  • Real world is not static. Let your models adapt, without the need to re-train from scratch.

Specialized in single-step ahead forecasting.

  • To really cater for the right usecases, fold doesn't support multi-step ahead forecasts, explicitly. See why

What is the “Composite” class?

We want to keep the “business” of fitting models to the train loop.

Composite acts as a “shell” for storing Transformations and combining them in different ways, primarily via the postpocess_results_[primary|secondary]() function.

The primary_transformations are fitted first, then optionally, if secondary_transformations are present, the output of both transformations are passed into postprocess_results_secondary().

Composites can also modify X and y via preprocess_[X|y]_[primary|secondary]().

Composites enable us to:

  • Merge two, entirely different set of Pipelines, like ensembling.
  • Use the result of the first (primary) set of Pipeline in the second Transformations/Pipeline. (like MetaLabeling, or TransformTarget)